Data Analytics, Data Science and Administration

Data into strategies

Setting up the future


What is the meaning of life? Where do we come from? What is love? Are there more colors than we can perceive? What is my place in this world? These and many other (sometimes meaningless) questions shape our emotions, ambitions, project us into the future, determine our behavior, and help us understand the world in a certain way—the meaning of being alive.


However, there is not only one reality; we don't all have the same answers when questions are subjective. It is in this subjectivity where we meet our husband, our brother, our friend, and where we choose our career or profession.


Yet, at the point of convergence between realities, where an answer is valid for all (or a generality), a light is lit—a common union emerges. The pragmatic application of science in searching for this communion can be found in the insights generated through applied statistics: characterizing traits, predicting events, identifying trends, evaluating hypotheses.


Applied statistics allow us to better understand both who we are as individuals and where we are headed as a society. In this way, data science helps unravel the mysteries of life by revealing meaningful patterns and truths hidden within the complexities of human existence. This quest for knowledge and understanding is what data science is all about.

Data Science

Every specialized field requires accurate information. Data Science extracts meaningful information based on large amounts of complex data combining statistical methods, mathematics, and computer science skills. Here you can find some essential tools and helpful resources for it.

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Administrative Engineering

Some questions need to be answered and then progressed. Here you can find some works about the current administrative theory in Mexico, the behavior of this structure, and the understanding of the danger of doing nothing about it.

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What happens when the brain conceives an idea? It's yours? Or images and information collection interpreted subjective way? Fueled by science, this artistic exploration outlet allows the beauty search to express itself through drawings and histories like a new entity or soul.

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